eSRobotics is a technological company, formed by a large team of engineers and doctors involved in important research and development groups. We apply cutting-edge technology to the customer projects. We treasure a wide experience in teaching, research and product development to meet the needs of the companies.Our knowledge of high technology makes us the best partner for customer projects. We put the company one step ahead of the competition.eSRobotics puts collaborative and service robotic, Industry 4.0, IoT, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science, automation, sensorization, cloud computing at the customer fingertips … all the cutting edge technology to make the projects a success.At eSRobotics we firmly believe in the transfer of knowledge between the academic world and business. That is why we have created an ecosystem where important groups and research institutes add their knowledge to the customer projects.
Entity type: Company
Size: < 11
Innovation group:
- Agriculture
- Healthcare
- Industrial Robotics
- Logistics and Transport
State: Valencia
Country: España
Contact: Lisardo Fernández (
Type of tecnology base of the institution activities
- Agriculture
- Healthcare
- Industrial robotics
- Logistics and transport
- Maintenance and Inspection
- AI and Cognition
- Autonomous Navigation
- Software Engineering, Systems Integration and Systems Engineering
- Telerobotics and Teleoperation
Types of activities developed by the institution
- Development and manufacturing of robotic equipment and technologies for end
- Integration/installation of robotic equipment and technologies
- Research and development projects