The Robotics & Automation Unit of Eurecat is devoted to performing research and new developments in the field of robotics.The group's core expertise encompasses Autonomous Navigation for Aerial and Terrestrial Robots, Robotics manipulation and Human Robot Cooperation.In the last 15 years, the group has executed more than 125 research projects including applied research as well as technology transfer with over 90 private projects focusing on Advanced Robotics Applications with industry. The group is active in different domains including Agile manufacturing, Smart logistics, Infrastructure Inspection&Monitoring, Environmental, Agriculture and Construction.
Entity type: Research and/or Technological Centre
Size: > 200
Innovation group:
- Agriculture
- Industrial Robotics
- Logistics and Transport
- Robot Companions for Assisted Living
- Construction
State: Barcelona
Country: Spain
Contact: Daniel Serrano López (daniel.serrano@eurecat.org)
Web: https://eurecat.org/es/ambitos-de-conocimiento/robotica-y-automatizacion/
Type of tecnology base of the institution activities
- Agriculture
- Industrial robotics
- Logistics and transport
- Robot companions for assisted living
- Construction
- Maintenance and Inspection
- Aerial Robotics
- Harsh Environment Robotics
- AI and Cognition
- Autonomous Navigation
- Software Engineering, Systems Integration and Systems Engineering
- Perception
- Socially intelligent Robotcs and Societal Applications
- Education and training
Types of activities developed by the institution
- Robot programming (software development)
- Integral customised projects for end users
- Integration/installation of robotic equipment and technologies
- Research and development projects
Project 1
Name: SCORPION – Cost effective robots for smart precision sprayingWeb: https://eurecat.org/es/portfolio-items/scorpion/
Development of safe, cost-effective agricultural mobile robots with smart precision spraying tools, mainly directed at vineyards but applicable to all permanent crops.The SCORPION project develops modular autonomous robots to bring value to small-size agricultural machinery through its automation and optimization of spraying tasks by novel ecological approaches, thereby reducing downtime costs, soil compaction, and human exposure to chemicals.The modular design used within the project considers the scalability of functions, allowing robots to further perform tasks while being compliant on existing and future agricultural interoperability standards.Eurecat participates in the project through its Robotics and Automation Unit which develops and integrates state-of-the-art autonomous localization and mapping functionalities adapted to variable, unstructured terrain.The consortium, coordinated by INESC, counts with the participation of 11 European partners.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 2
Name: ROBS4CROPS – Robots for protecting cropsWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/robs4crops
Creation and implementation of robotics farming and agricultural solutions to protect crops.The Robs4Crops project aims to address and resolve the organizational and technological challenges associated with robotic farming’s widespread adoption. By building upon the existing agricultural machine, standards and best practices, the project shapes and delivers a fully autonomous system, ready for large-scale commercial trials.The innovative robotic farming solution developed by the project will be demonstrated at scale pilots in four European countries.Robs4Crops reduces the dependency of farmers on hired labour, increases safety and reduces the use of inputs and the overall carbon footprint of food production. The project counts with the participation of the Robotics and Automation Unit of Eurecat, together with a consortium of 15 partners from 8 European countries, coordinated by Wageningen University & Research.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 3
Name: agROBOfood – Business-Oriented Support to the European Robotics and Agri-food Sector, towards a network of Digital Innovation Hubs in RoboticsWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/agrobofood/
New European network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) to stimulate the implementation of high robotic technologies and Artificial Intelligence in the agri-food industry. The AgROBOfood project develops a network, formed by universities, research centres and innovative companies with the objective of create innovation ecosystems at local level in the field of robotics applied to agri-food sector. AgROBOfood network is oriented to foster the sharing of information facilities and best practices for an effective adoption of tech robotic concepts in the agri-food sector and demonstrating their applicability under practical circumstances, in order to increase the sector’s productivity and sustainability.The AgROBOfood project, which counts with the participation of Eurecat through the Robotics and Automation Unit is led by Wageningen Food & Biobased Research and includes a total of 49 organisations and companies specialising in innovation and robotics from 19 different countries.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 4
Name: IntelliMan – Sistema de manipulación impulsado por IA para servicios avanzados de robótica, fabricación y prostéticaWeb: https://eurecat.org/es/portfolio-items/intelliman/
Artificial intelligence-driven robotic object handling system with persistent learning capabilities.The aim of the IntelliMan project is to develop a robotic system for manipulating different elements with high performance and constant learning capabilities through a heterogeneous set of sensors, for advanced robotics, manufacturing and prosthetic services.Eurecat participates in the project through its Robotics and Automation Unit, which develops Reinforcement Learning algorithms, methods for understanding and reasoning about task structures, and synthesis and manipulation algorithms.The Unit is also responsible for the use case “Manipulation in the daily activities of the kitchen“, with the aim of providing the robot with the necessary psychomotor skills to be able to, for example, set and clean the table or pour cereals into a bowl.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 5
Name: SHAREWORK – Safe and effective human-robot cooperation towards a better competitiveness on current automation lack manufacturing processes.Web: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/sharework/
Sharework develops a human robot collaboration. It develops a system capable of understanding the environment and predict human actions by using artificial intelligence and process data in an environment where human safety is guaranteed. This way, the effective adoption of Human-Robot Collaboration on current automation lack manufacturing processes is possible.Sharework technology will be demonstrated in applications for the railway, automotive, metal and capital goods, key industries in which the adoption of collaborative robotics’ solutions are needed for increasing productivity, reducing human stress and supporting workers, that will ultimately contribute to strengthen the European industry.The project, counting with the participation of 15 institutions from six different European countries, is coordinated by Eurecat’s Robotics and Automation Technological Unit and englobes six research institutions and eight industrial partners, as well as one standardisation organism.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 6
Name: FREE4LIB – Recuperación factible de materias primas críticas a través de un nuevo ecosistema circular para una cadena de valor cruzada de baterías de iones de litio en EuropaWeb: https://eurecat.org/es/portfolio-items/free4lib/
The FREE4LIB project aims to develop 6 sustainable and efficient processes for the recycling of lithium-ion batteries at the end of their useful life, thanks to the creation of technologies with a technology readiness level (TRL) between 5 and 6.These 6 processes are dismantling, pre-treatment and 4 other material recovery processes. All of them deliver highly innovative recycling solutions, reaching high efficiency in the recovery of materials and improving the supply of secondary resources at European Union level.FREE4LIB will also offer technologies to improve 3 processes that aim at the reuse of metals and polymers and the synthesis of electrodes in the same value chain as secondary raw materials for the remanufacturing of greener batteries.The project will also study options to harness non-reusable elements in other fields and will deliver a methodology based on Battery Passport principles to improve process traceability.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 7
Name: DIH-squared We accelerate factories through roboticsWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/dih2/
A Pan-European network of 26 robotics Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs)to promote and accelerate the knowledge and technology exchange among the different centres and facilitate the adoption of the latest robotic technologies in the field of Agile Production.The DIH2 project believes in the power of robotics to transform the agility of manufacturing in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and facilitates the connection that will enable agile production in factories where speed and versatility are essential to satisfy customer demand.Eurecat, that participates in the project through its Robotics and Automation Unit and its Consultancy Department, generates the tools for the DIH2 network to share knowledge and best practices between the different innovation centres.The project is led by the Technological Centre VTT (Finland) and counts with a consortium formed by 36 partners from 26 European countries.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 8
Name: HORSE – Smart integrated Robotics system for SMEs controlled by Internet of Things based on dynamic manufacturing processesWeb: https://eurecat.org/es/portfolio-items/horse/
The HORSE project has the objective to leap forward in the manufacturing industry proposing a new flexible model of smart factory involving collaboration of humans, robots, Autonomous Guided Vehicles and machinery to execute industrial tasks in an efficient manner.The novel approaches promoted by the project are the integration of concepts such as (physical) human-robot interaction, intuitive human-machine interfaces, and interaction between different robots and machines into an integrated environment with pre-existing machines and workflows. The project contributes to improve safety of the human worker as well as reduction of health risks through physical support by the robotized equipment and contributes to better overall manufacturing processes.The project is formed by a consortium of 16 partners from different European countries: Greece, Spain, Germany, France, The Netherland, Poland and Slovenia.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 9
Name: MAF – More Automated FactoriesWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/maf/
Automated processes for aircraft quality validation through the use of robotics and artificial vision.The solution being developed by MAF explores new possibilities to execute the validation tests in a more quickly and efficiently way. With this, the use of robotics and computer vision is maximized in order to minimize human interaction and automate the validation processes.The application of MAF solution will reduce the time spent in the task and accelerate the evaluation and validation processes, while increasing the aeronautics industry competitiveness and its production processes.The project is led by Airtificial and counts with the participation of Eurecat technology centre through its Robotics and Automation Technological Unit, both with a high level of expertise in the aeronautic sector and leadership of R+D projects.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 10
Name: Bots2Rec – Robots to Re-ConstructionWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/bots2rec
Bots2Rec project aims to introduce autonomous robots in real world scenarios for the removal of the asbestos contamination and minimize the workers exposure. The solution developed by the project consists of multiple robotic arms equipped with abrasive and aspiration tools that eliminate the asbestos autonomously. Bots2Rec also counts with a control system that allows easy task programming, the supervision of the automated process by humans and optional remote control. With Bots2Rec solution workers exposure to contaminated material is reduced to a minimum while enhancing productivity and cutting costs in protective clothing needed to perform asbestos cleaning tasks.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 11
Name: RECIBIL – Development of new techniques for the reuse and Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries from electric vehiclesWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/recibil/
The RECIBIL project promotes and increases the circularity of spent batteries from hybrid and electric vehicles and develops new identification protocols for second-life batteries, with life cycle analyzes.The project aims to help the different decision-maker agents (car manufacturers, second-life battery users, recycling companies, etc.), in the end-of-life management process of the electric vehicle fleet that is expected to be deployed at European and global level in the coming years, as well as in all recycling and recovery operations at the end of these secondary uses.The project counts with the participation of the Robotics and Automation Unit of Eurecat, which participates in the automation of the dismantling process and the Product Development Unit which studies the manufacture of new Battery Packs with second life cells.RECIBIL consortium is formed by Endesa Generación, which coordinates the project, and the Recuperación de Materiales Diversos company.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 12
Name: SEAT - Drones in the factory of the futureSummary:
The aim of the project is to explore the advantages of autonomous vertical mobility to clear up space on the floor and shift light-weight parts in a faster, cleaner and in a more efficient way. The project is focused on enabling autonomous navigation in human & robot shared spaces within workshops, including precision landing, autonomous landing and obstacle avoidance. This project is a collaboration with SEAT S.A.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: No
Project 13
Name: COBOLLEAGUE – Robotic Colleague for Construction EnvironmentsWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/cobolleague/
A highly modular and collaborative autonomous ground robot for assisting construction workers on the transportation of heavy materials. The COBOLLEAGUE project develops an innovative highly modular, collaborative and autonomous ground robot with the objective to assist construction workers on the transportation of heavy tools and materials, enhancing their safety and increasing productivity of building tasks.The innovation promoted by COBOLLEAGUE has the objective to implement a supportive collaborative tool that shall interact naturally with the worker in a changing environment and to explore the possibilities that a robot in a construction site can provide in terms of digitalization, inspection and safety.COBOLLEAGUE project is a joint collaboration of Eurecat together with Robotnik Automation.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 14
Name: Logimatic – Smart Port Vehicle ManagementWeb: https://eurecat.org/es/portfolio-items/logimatic/
Logimatic developed a SLAM-based accurate localization and navigation system to automate the port logistics vehicles in order to increase the safety of workers, reduce the margin of error and improve the productivity and operational efficiency of loading and unloading tasks; featuring:Straddle Carrier retrofitting and automation. Autonomous navigation in free space with: obstacle avoidance, replanning, safety stop. Specialized planners: along container navigation. SLAM module (GNSS+lidar+odometry) with container model matcher. Integration with GIS-based Central Management System interfaced to Terminal Operating System.Logimatic, lasting 36 months, is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 project and counts with the participation of eight partners from Italy, Greece and Spain.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 15
Name: GEOMOVE – Non-intrusive localization, autonomous navigation and accurate positioning of AGV’s for cooperative transportation of heavy added value loads.Web: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/geomove/
Robots are being highly used nowadays for goods transportation in warehouses and logistic scenarios. In some of them, such as in the aeronautic industry, the weight of the components require powerful AGVs to accomplish the task. Moreover the dimension of some components require more than one robot to carry out the task, such as, for example, the transportation of an airplane wing.In GEOMOVE project, we have gone beyond the state of the art to develop a wireless cooperative transportation solution, that allows for large objects cooperative transportation without mechanical attachment between the robots.We have developed a non-intrusive localisation solution able of accurately positioning an AGV in a determined industrial environment, minimizing the need for auxiliary installations in the infrastructure of the industrial warehouse improving current industrial processing environments.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: No
Developed in consortium: No
Project 16
Name: NHoA – Never Home AloneWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/nhoa/
The Never Home Alone (NHoA) project aims to help seniors by relieving loneliness at home, maintaining healthy habits and encouraging them to interact with the community. The system will also protect, assist and monitor the evolution of each person in a personalised way.The project will conceptualise and demonstrate a connected robotic system and some of the following sets of associated services to support the elderly at home in synergy with caregivers.The NHoA consortium brings together partners with experience in caring for the elderly, along with scientists involved in social, emotional and human robotics, as well as companies with business and research experience in the use of robots for social and medical care. In addition to Eurecat, it is formed by Pablo de Olavide University, the Open University of Catalonia, PAL Robotics, LIGHTHOUSE Disruptive Innovation Group, FUNDESALUD and the Sant Joan de Déu Foundation.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 17
Name: AICCELERATE – A Smart Hospital Care Pathway EngineWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/aiccelerate/
The AICCELERATE project develops a cloud-based tool and combines Artificial Intelligence and autonomous robotics with the aim of promoting a state-of-the-art hospital model that incorporates new services and processes to intensive care units, surgical rooms and rooms, ranging from functions related to the logistics and transportation of medicines to disinfection, among others.The solution promoted by the project, which counts with the participation of Eurecat through the Digital Health Unit and the Robotics and Automation Unit, will be tested in three different pilots that will be focused on the management of patient flow for units emergency and surgical services, in the establishment of a digital care pathway for Parkinson’s disease and in the provision of services to pediatric patients.The consortium of the AICCELERATE project, coordinated by the Helsinki University Hospital (HUS), is formed by 16 partners from 8 different European countries.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 18
Name: DIH-HERO – Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare RoboticsWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/dih-hero/
European innovation digital hub, formed by centres of reference in robotics applied to the health sector to promote and accelerate the implementation of technological innovations in medical assistance. DIH-HERO project develops medical applications in the fields of diagnosis, treatment, assistance and prevention, and other services related with training, maintenance, legal and business advice or logistics, to share knowledge and analyse the needs of the health sector, demonstrating the feasibility of the application of robotics in real environments to solve medical assistance needs.The project counts with the participation of 16 European hubs, led by centres of reference in robotics and health. Eurecat is responsible for coordinating the Catalan hub, expanding the network and contributing to social, ethical, legal or standardization issues that may arise.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 19
Name: ARSI – Aerial Robot for Sewer InspectionWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/aerial-robot-for-sewer-inspection/
The ARSI project develops an autonomous Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) that allows brigades to carry out sewer inspections in a faster, safer and more efficient way. In this way, damagers and dangers that sewers can suppose, are avoided.In order to improve the working conditions of the sewer inspectors, avoid any work-related injuries or health problems and increase the efficiency and precision of such inspections, the European Coordination Hub for Open Robotics Development (ECHORD), in collaboration with the City of Barcelona, has developed a robotic system that would allow inspection brigades to carry out sewer inspections in a safer and more efficient way.Following the Challenge Brief developed by the City of Barcelona, ARSI project has been developed by Eurecat, together with FCC, Simtech Design and IBAK.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 20
Name: ASSETS4RAIL – Measuring, monitoring and data handling for railway assets, bridges, tunnels, tracks and safety systems.Web: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/assets4rail/
Assets4Rail project applies cutting-edge technology such as ground penetrating radar, artificial vision and autonomous vehicles to monitor possible defects of the tunnels, as well as the geography and wear of the roads and the noise and vibrations of the bridges with the purpose of obtaining more secure and profitable infrastructures and vehicles.The Robotics and Automation Unit participates within this project providing a fully autonomous aerial vehicle which is able to map the environment while planning and executing trajectories which maximize the quality and quantity of information captured by the on-board sensors. Thus minimizes the path and optimizes the inspection of the infrastructure. This project aims to demonstrate the viability of using drones to monitor the status of railway infrastructures, especially tunnels, in order to detect possible defects and increase safety.This project counts with the participation of a consortium formed by 19 partners of 10 countries.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 21
Name: VIZTA – Vision, Identification, with Z-sensing Technologies and key ApplicationsWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/vizta/
Innovative technologies in the field of optical sensors and short, medium and long-range 3D devices to demonstrate their value in several key applications in the automotive, security, smart buildings, mobile robotics for smart cities and Industry 4.0 sectors.Eurecat’s Robotics and Automation Unit participates in the project evaluating the impact of new developed sensors for 3D navigation, 3D reconstruction and defect detection for robotics autonomous inspection applications. Eurecat is also responsible for the developments on uses in mobile robotics for smart cities use case, which seeks to evaluate the performance of sensors incorporated in robotic platforms in real scenarios such as sewerage systems, railway and subway tunnels, as well as other complex facilities.The consortium of the project, coordinated by STMicroelectronics Crolles (France), counts with the participation of 23 partners from 9 European countries.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 22
Name: AERO-TRAIN- Aerial Robotic training for the next generation of European infrastructure and asset maintenance technologiesWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/aero-train/
Aerial Robotic training for the next generation of European infrastructure and asset maintenance technologies.Currently, industrial sectors such as energy, transport, oil and gas, and chemical industries spend considerable amounts of resources to ensure their assets’ operational integrity. For that reason, alternative approaches for inspection and maintenance are urgently needed both to cut costs and reduce accidents associated to operation and maintenance.The Robotics and Automation Unit of Eurecat is in charge of the supervision of one Early-stage researcher of the project, on the specific topic focused on the improvement of inspection efficiency in dron-human interaction scenarios. On the other hand, Eurecat hosts several researchers of the network offering support direction and access to the labs.The project counts with the participation of a consortium formed by 14 partners from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Finland, Italy and Switzerland.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 23
Name: 4SM – Spread Sewer Sensing for Sustainable ManagementWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/4sm/
Creation of new sensors and tools for advanced and sustainable sewage management.The 4SM project aims to address the main challenges presented by sewage management through the digitisation of its networks.The project will explore sewage energy recovery and develop highly innovative methods for corrosion, toxicity and odor control, enhancing the capabilities of available monitoring tools.Eurecat participates in the project through its Robotics and Automation Unit, responsible for the conceptualisation, implementation and testing of an autonomous aerial vehicle solution for automatic collection and monitoring of the status of sensors installed in sewerage networks.In addition to Eurecat, the 4SM consortium is made up of the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA), the project’s coordinating entity, and the specialised company FACSA.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 24
Name: PASSport – Operational Platform managing a fleet of semi-autonomous drones exploiting GNSS high Accuracy and Authentication to improve Security & Safety in port areWeb: https://eurecat.org/en/portfolio-items/passport/
Operational Platform to manage a fleet of semi-autonomous drones exploiting GNSS high Accuracy and Authentication to improve security and safety in port areas.The PASSport project designs and develops a new solution extending the situational awareness based on aerial fixed/rotary wing and underwater drones with the objective to improve safety in docklands.The Robotics and Automation Unit of Eurecat develops and implements a rotary wing’s payload based on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning which provides precise positioning, control and georeferencing.The consortium of the project, coordinated by Sistematica, counts with the participation of 15 partners from 7 European countries.
Funding source: No
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes