Ribinerf s.l.

Manufacturer of standard robotised machinery for non-deterministic scenarios in the Foundry and Stamping sector. Using VR and AI tech.

Registered office: Ribinerf s.l.
Entity type: Company
Size: 11-50
Innovation group:
  • Industrial Robotics
Contact data
City: Aiguaviva
State: Girona
Country: spain
Contact: Xavier Ribalta (xavier.ribalta@ribinerf.com)
Web: http://www.ribinerf.com
Technological Aspects

Type of tecnology base of the institution activities

General domain:
  • Industrial robotics
  • AI and Cognition

Types of activities developed by the institution

  • Development and manufacturing of robotic equipment and technologies for end
Specific Tehcnological Aspects
Binpicking, Conveyor picking, hang parts, ungang parts. quality control 3D.