Entity type: Company
Size: 51-200
Innovation group:
- Agriculture
- Healthcare
- Industrial Robotics
- Logistics and Transport
- Construction
- Laboratory Robotics
State: Comunidad Valenciana
Country: Spain
Contact: Rafael López (rlopez@robotnik.es)
Web: https://robotnik.eu/
Type of tecnology base of the institution activities
- Industrial robotics
- Laboratory Robotics
- Maintenance and Inspection
- Harsh Environment Robotics
- Autonomous Navigation
- Mechatronics
- Software Engineering, Systems Integration and Systems Engineering
- Telerobotics and Teleoperation
- Cloud Robotics
Types of activities developed by the institution
- Development and manufacturing of robotic equipment and technologies for end
- Robot programming (software development)
- Integral customised projects for end users
- Integration/installation of robotic equipment and technologies
- Research and development projects
Project 1
Name: 5G-ERAWeb: https://www.5g-era.eu/
5G-ERA is oriented towards a user-centric paradigm of integrating vertical knowledge into the existing standardised 5G testing framework to improve Quality of Experience. The project addresses the new challenges on experimental facilities for the vertical developers and designers. Four robotic use cases from four vertical sectors, namely public protection and disaster relief (PPDR), transport, healthcare and manufacturing will be validated in the project by rapid prototyping of NetApp solutions and enhanced vertical experiences on autonomy
Funding source: Yes
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 2
Name: BACCHUSWeb: https://bacchus-project.eu/
The incorporation of intelligent robotic technologies into agricultural production not only benefits productivity but also improves the working conditions of farmers and labourers. Intelligent systems are becoming the go-to solution to push towards precision agriculture, while a large number of farmer operations are already transitioning to full autonomy. BACCHUS will develop an intelligent mobile robotic system to reproduce hand harvesting operations.
Funding source: Yes
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 3
Name: VOJEXTWeb: https://vojext.eu/
The VOJEXT project aims at providing a favourable business and technological framework to enable matchmaking and encourage producers and adopters (mainly SMEs including small crafters) of Cognitive autonomous systems for human-robot interaction, specially “cobots”, dynamizing science-driven industry approaches for the European industry.VOJEXT will design, develop, validate and demonstrate affordable, market-oriented, agile, multipurpose and easy- to-repurpose, autonomous, mobile and dexterous robotic systems as the main component of a smart, agile and scalable cognitive CPS for industry; under the vision of providing Value Of Joint EXperimentation (VOJEXT) in digital technologies to manufacturing and construction industry; while having DIHs as drivers of innovation based economic development in Europe.
Funding source: Yes
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 4
Name: CRESTWeb: http://project-crest.eu/
"CREST aims to equip LEAs with an advanced prediction, prevention, operation, and investigation platform by leveraging the IoT ecosystem, autonomous systems, and targeted technologies and building upon the concept of multidimensional integration and correlation of heterogeneous multimodal data streams (ranging from online content to IoT-enabled sensors) for:● Threat detection and assessment. ● Dynamic mission planning and adaptive navigation for improved surveillance based on autonomous systems. ● Distributed command and control of law enforcement missions. ● Sharing of information and exchange of digital evidence based on blockchain. ● Delivery of pertinent information to different stakeholders in an interactive manner tailored to their needs."
Funding source: Yes
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes
Project 5
Name: FASTERWeb: https://www.faster-project.eu/
"FASTER aims to address the challenges associated with the protection of first responders in hazardous environments, while at the same time enhancing their capabilities in terms of situational awareness and communication.FASTER will provide innovative, accepted and efficient tools covering:● Data collection providing a secure IoT platform for distributed. ● Operational capabilities providing flexible, multi-functional autonomous vehicles, including swarms of them, for extended inspection capabilities and physical mitigation. ● Risk assessment providing tools for individual health assessment and disaster scene analysis for early warning and risk mitigation. ● Improved ergonomics providing augmented reality tools for enhanced information streaming. ● Resilient communication at the field level providing haptic communication capabilities, communication with K9s; and at the infrastructure level through 5G technologies and UAVs.
Funding source: Yes
Funded externally: Yes
Developed in consortium: Yes