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== TEONET (router) ==
Por favor rediríjanse a NUEVO TUTORIAL: https://github.com/roboticslab-uc3m/teo-developer-manual/blob/master/appendix/c-teo-network-information.md
wifi-ssid: TEONET
wifi-password: teochallenge
note: wifi disabled in lab.
External IP:
Internal IP:
user: admin
pass: admin
== teo-main ==
Memory 3.9 GiB, Processor Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz x 2, Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2 (G96 rev a1), Disk 487.9 GiB. Origin old miguelgfierro. Ubuntu 14.10 64-bit. jgvictores.
Intended for teo-main @ GitHub, automatically runs "yarp server" on port 10000.
eth0  00:24:8c:26:ff:85
user: teo
pass: teo
The execution of "yarp server" is activated in "~/.profile" through the lines:
yarp conf 10000
gnome-terminal -e "yarp server --write" &
== manipulation (robot front right PC)==
Memory 3.1 GiB, Processor Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz x 2, Disk 106 GiB. Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.10 (squeeze). jgvictores.
Intended for teo-body @ GitHub, automatically runs "yarprun --server /manipulation".
teo right side
wlan1  5c:d9:98:9a:94:5c
eth0  00:18:7d:0b:2d:9d
user: teo
pass: teo
su: manipulation
The execution of "yarprun --server /manipulation" is implemented as service using "daemontools" ([[Help on daemontools]]). "daemontools" is activated in "/etc/rc.local" through the line (before exit):
/bin/csh -cf '/usr/bin/svscanboot &'
"yarprun --server /manipulation" is activated in "/etc/service/yarprun/run" through the lines:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
export YARP_CONF=/home/teo/.config/yarp
yarprun --server /manipulation
Additionally, in .profile, at the end, we have:
export YARP_DATA_DIRS=$HOME/repos/teo-body/build/share/teo-body
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/repos/teo-body/build/bin
===JR3 card===
Now add the following lines to /etc/rc.local (lines before the exit) to automatically run the jr3 module in the PC switching on:
insmod /home/teo/repos/LoliRepo/jr3/jr3pci-linux-0.5/jr3pci-driver.ko
mknod /dev/jr3 c 39 0
chmod 777 /dev/jr3 #admin permission
If green LEDs are off after switching on the PC and "jr3pci_driver" does not appear after doing lsmod, try in the jr3 directory (manipulation PC: home/teo/repos/LoliRepo/jr3/jr3pci-linux-0.5/) and see README_loli. Maybe "make clean" before, sometimes work:
sudo make
sudo insmod jr3pci-driver.ko
sudo make node
If nothing works, shutdown and revise connections!! (Revise: PCI adapter connections, power and PCI slots).
In order tu '''run the acquisition program''', go to $manipulationPC: /home/teo/repos/LoliRepo/LoliRepo/TFM/jr3Yarp/jr3pci4channelYarp/build and execute ./jr3pci4channelYarp for all sensors data acquisition.
== locomotion (robot front left PC) ==
Memory 3.1 GiB, Processor Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz x 2, Disk 106 GiB. Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.10 (squeeze). jgvictores.
Intended for teo-body @ GitHub, automatically runs "yarprun --server /locomotion".
teo left side
wlan1  5c:d9:98:9a:94:5d
eth0  00:18:7d:0b:2d:71
user: teo
pass: teo
su: locomotion
The execution of "yarprun --server /locomotion" is implemented as service using "daemontools" ([[Help on daemontools]]). "daemontools" is activated in "/etc/rc.local" through the line (before exit):
/bin/csh -cf '/usr/bin/svscanboot &'
"yarprun --server /locomotion" is activated in "/etc/service/yarprun/run" through the lines:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
export YARP_CONF=/home/teo/.config/yarp
yarprun --server /locomotion
Additionally, in .profile, at the end, we have:
export YARP_DATA_DIRS=$HOME/repos/teo-body/build/share/teo-body:/usr/local/share/iCub/
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/repos/teo-body/build/bin
In order to allow yarp to read data from the sensors connected via USB port, you need to add the following rule for udev system:
  KERNEL == "ttyUSB0", MODE = "0777"
The advise from  [https://wiki.debian.org/udev debian udev documentation] is to define rules in a file named "z21_persistent-local.rules". If there is no such file, it is recommended to create one. Taking this in consideration, the file name and path should look like this:
== teo-head (robot back left PC) ==
Memory 3.1 GiB, Processor Intel® Core™ i5-4570S CPU @ 2.90GHz x 4, Disk 52 GiB. Ubuntu 15.04 w/ 3.19.0-18-generic. jgvictores.
Intended for teo-head @ GitHub.
eth1  00:01:2e:51:9c:c1
user: teo
pass: teo
The execution of "yarprun --server /head" is implemented as service using "daemontools" ([[Help on daemontools]]). "daemontools" is activated in "/etc/rc.local" through the line (before exit):
/bin/csh -cf '/usr/bin/svscanboot &'
"yarprun --server /head" is activated in "/etc/service/yarprun/run" through the lines:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
export YARP_CONF=/home/teo/.config/yarp
yarprun --server /head
== teo-benji ==
Memory 1.9 GiB (DDR II 800), Processor AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ x 1, Graphics ATI Gallium 0.4 on ATI RV515, Disk 155.3 GiB. Origin old teo-main. Ubuntu 14.10 64-bit. loli.
== teo-goku ==
Memory 1.8 GiB, Processor Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz × 4, Graphics Intel® Ironlake Desktop, Disk 243.9 GiB. Does not recognize PCI devices. Ubuntu 14.10 64-bit. jlorente.
== teo-heidi ==
== Mapping hostnames to IP addreses in your computer ==
You can edit the /etc/hosts file of your system for mapping some hostnames to IP addreses.
Now, you can associate the name of teo pc's with their Ips: manipulation locomotion head
For example, if you want connect by ssh with teo-manipulation PC, you can put “ssh manipulation” instead of “ssh”. It's easier to remember!!
== Setting up Wifi connection: Netgear A6100 WiFi USB Mini Adapter ==
First, we have to install required drivers that have not been merged with the linux kernel and do not come with most linux distros(yet).<br>
Make sure you have the required build packages. You need to know what version of your S.O you have.
Then, we can install (or reinstall to be sure) the required build packages, corresponding to our version:
sudo apt-get reinstall linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686 build-essential
Now, we will [http://www.edimax.com/images/Image/Driver_Utility/Wireless/NIC/EW-7822UAC/EW-7822UAC_linux_v4.2.2_7502.20130517.tar.gz download] the source code from [https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Netgear_A6100 Wikidevi]
cd src
wget http://www.edimax.com/images/Image/Driver_Utility/Wireless/NIC/EW-7822UAC/EW-7822UAC_linux_v4.2.2_7502.20130517.tar.gz
tar -xvf EW-7822UAC_linux_v4.2.2_7502.20130517.tar.gz
Compile the kernel module
cd rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux_v4.2.2_7502.20130517/
Install it!
sudo make install
sudo modprobe 8812au
The wireless should now be working
== Uncategorized ==
sudo mount -t nfs sitio_de_montaje
rsync -avzP teo-body/ teo@

Latest revision as of 14:49, 16 March 2018