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This guide tries to help new OpenRave users installing and running the software.
First of all, for downloading yarpmods repository, just type:
          sudo apt-get install subversion
          svn co https://roboticslab.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/roboticslab/yarpmods
Next step is installing basic yarp dependencies:
        sudo apt-get install cmake libace-dev subversion
        svn co https://yarp0.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/yarp0/trunk/yarp2
        sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake-curses-gui
Next sentence allows us setting the YARP_DIR environment variable to yarp2/build through ~/.profile (persistent throughout entire session):
echo "export YARP_DIR=$PWD/yarp2/build" >> ~/.profile
        cd yarp2
        mkdir build
        cd build
        cmake ..
        make -j3
        sudo make install
        cd ../..
YARPMODS_DIR environment variable setting to yarpmods/build:
        echo "export YARPMODS_DIR=$PWD/yarpmods/build" >> ~/.profile
        cd yarpmods
        mkdir build
        cd build
        cmake ..
        make -j3
        cd ../..
Project organization:
The executables in build/bin (empty until module activation).
The shared files (models, config files) in build/share.
The libraries in build/lib.
Yarp and yarpmods dependencies are now installed. After this, we must activate each module (printbot, RaveBot, CartesianKontroller).
Type at the terminal:
        cd yarpmods
        cd build
        ccmake ..
This will appear on screen:
          CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX            /usr/local                                 
          ENABLE_rlYarpmods_cartesiankon  OFF                                         
          ENABLE_rlYarpmods_printbot      OFF                                         
          ENABLE_rlYarpmods_ravebot        OFF                                         
          ENABLE_rlYarpmods_robotcontrol  OFF                                         
          YARP_AUTO_LINK                  OFF                                         
          YARP_DIR                        /usr/local/lib/YARP-2.3.3                   
          enable_YARPMODS_TESTS            ON
We must select ENABLE_rlYarpmods_printbot, press enter and then press (C), (E), (C), (E), (G) (configure and exit alternatively until the option generate appears).
          make -j3
          sudo make install
We can check test_printbot appears in the yarpmods/build/bin directory:
Installing basic dependencies:
          sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools libxml2-dev libode-dev libsoqt4-dev libcoin60-dev libboost-all-dev
          sudo apt-get install subversion
          svn co https://openrave.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openrave/trunk openrave
          sudo cp openrave/src/cppexamples/FindOpenRAVE.cmake /usr/share/cmake-X.X/Modules (X.X is your cmake version)
Install more dependencies required:
          sudo apt-get install libavformat-dev libswscale-dev zlib-bin bzip2 python-numpy octave3.2-headers libpcrecpp0
Finally compile with:
          cd openrave
          mkdir build
          cd build
          cmake ..
          make -j3
          sudo make install
You should have test_ravebot in your bin directory if everything went correctly.
Now, we must enable RaveBot module as usual with:
          cd yarpmods
  cd build
  ccmake ..
Set ENABLE_rlYarpmods_ravebot ON as seen with printbot module and press (C) (E) (C) (E) (G).
          make -j3
          sudo make install
          export PATH=$PATH:/openrave/build
Eigen and KDL libraries must be downloaded
          svn checkout http://svn.mech.kuleuven.be/repos/orocos/trunk/kdl
          cd kdl
          mkdir build
Install libeigen2.dev from Synaptic (System – Administration – Synaptic Package Manager):
          cmake ..
          make -j3
          sudo make install
          sudo cp kdl/config/FindEigen2.cmake /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules
          sudo cp kdl/build/orocos-kdl-config.cmake kdl/config/FindEigen2.cmake /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules
Environment variable setting:
          echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib" >> ~/.profile
Compiling and enabling the module:
          cd yarpmods
          cd build
          ccmake ..
          make -j3
          sudo make install
You should have test_cartesiankontroller in your bin directory if everything went correctly.
And finally, just type:
          yarp server
test_cartesiankontroller tries to connect to a remote_controlboard. If you already have compiled
Ravebot, you can launch from another terminal:
And then, from another terminal, launch:
It opens a YARP RPC port which you can connect to by using, from another terminal:
          yarp rpc /cartesiankontroller/ravebot/rpc:i
After all these steps you’ll be able to start using Openrave.

Latest revision as of 02:01, 27 September 2011