Asibot - Implemented Modules

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ASIBOT Implemented Robot Components
This page contains descriptions of Robot Component Guidelines v0.3 (RCGv03) ASIBOT components. Click here for RCGv02's specs.

Fully functional on RCGv02: jmc_rave, jmc_can, cmc_recursive, hmi_web, tol_file, hmi_wiimote.
Fully functional on RCGv03: jmc_rave, cmc_recursive.

Category: Joint Motion Controllers

These modules' behaviour corresponds to Robot Component Guidelines v0.3 commands for JMCs. Link to RCGv02 command format.

jmc_rave (Ubuntu / Windows)

A module that instantiates a OpenRAVE kitchen with ASIBOT environment. No force control has been implemented. Further reference at Code Documentation: jmc_rave.

Drv rave-3.jpg

jmc_can (RT-Linux)

Controlls real robot.

Category: Cartesian Motion Controllers

These modules' behaviour corresponds to Robot Component Guidelines v0.3 commands for CMCs.

cmc_recursive (Ubuntu / Windows)

Based on recursive methods, such as Newton-Raphson. Should work fine between any interface and a JMC. Further reference at Code Documentation: cmc_recursive.


This CMC is intended for receiving streaming rate commands (cartesian velocities), mainly from low-level user input devices. Like the SpaceNavigator. It has joint velocities as output. Only velocities in end-effector frame is allowed as input (I:5). If no command is received the module automatically sends a zero output velocity to all joints.

Category: Sensor

These modules' behaviour corresponds to Module Guidelines v0.3 commands for SNSs.


A wrapper module for Xsense IMU.

Category: HMI


A wrapper module for wiimote driver. Basic interface is as a sensor.

hmi_3d (Ubuntu)


A wrapper module for the SpaceNavigator 6 DOF joystick on Linux ('spacenavd' driver:


A wrapper module for the SpaceNavigator 6 DOF joystick on Windows (original driver from 3DConnexion).

Category: Vision


Currently under development, integrates OpenCV and GTK. Check out the recent video.