OpenRAVE R1457 Windows Install

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To install OpenRAVE R1457, right-click in your folder and click on SVN checkout. Paste in the first form slot (URL of repository). The second slot (checkout directory) should look something like: E:\robotsuc3mes\openrave. Change the Head Revision option to Revision and specify (type) the number 1457. Click on OK. Run runcmake_win.bat from the downloaded files.

Note that this extracts a slightly hacked version of Boost 1.39 for win32.
Install Coin2 Before running CMake. It's for coin-config, though final coin3.lib used will be the one that comes with openrave.
Any problems should be pointed out in the discussion tab.

Open CMake. Use the OpenRAVE folder full path in the first form slot (such as C:\robotsuc3mes\openrave), and build full path in the second slot (such as C:\robotsuc3mes\openrave\build). Press Configure, Finish once selected VS2008, Configure again, then Generate once. Close CMake and browse to build, open "openrave.sln" and open it (it is a MS Visual Studio 2009 solution file). Change build type from Debug to Release. Press Build --> Build Solution. Right-click on INSTALL from the Solution Explorer of the left, and click on BUILD from the deployed menu.

Note: The following steps may be necessary.
To build the solution without any errors, open the header file basic.h (it should be in something like C:\robotsuc3mes\openrave\inc\Inventor\C) and define COIN_DLL (enter the instruction #define COIN_DLL). link: coin2.dll to qtcoinviewer, link: libboost-system....dll to libopenrave-core

For correct integration with CMake, find "FindOpenRAVE.cmake" (it should be in something like C:\Archivos de programa\openrave\share\openrave\cppexamples or C:\Program Files\openrave\share\openrave\cppexamples). Change the file's contents from Program Files to Archivos de programa if applicable. Copy it to the CMake Modules directory (something like C:\Archivos de programa\CMake 2.6\share\cmake-2.6\Modules).