KDL 1.0.2 Windows Install

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Note: Depends on Eigen.

To install KDL 1.0.2, click on the following link: http://people.mech.kuleuven.be/~rsmits/kdl/orocos-kdl-1.0.2-src.tar.gz and save the file to a given folder. Extract its contents.

In "kdl-1.0.2/config" you'll find a file called "FindEigen2.cmake". Edit its contents for it to point to the installed Eigen2 directory, normally from /usr/include /usr/include/eigen2 to "C:/Archivos de programa/Eigen/include" "C:/Archivos de programa/Eigen/include/eigen2" or "C:/Program Files/Eigen/include" "C:/Program Files/Eigen/include/eigen2".

Return to the KDL directory. Create a folder called build. Open CMake. Use the KDL folder full path in the first form slot (such as C:\robotsuc3mes\kdl-1.0.2), and build full path in the second slot (such as C:\robotsuc3mes\kdl-1.0.2\build). Press Configure, Finish once selected VS2008, Configure again, then Generate once. Close CMake and browse to winbuild, open "Orocos-KDL.sln" and open it (it is a MS Visual Studio 2009 solution file). Change build type from Debug to Release. Press Build -> Build Solution. Right-click on INSTALL from the Solution Explorer of the left, and click on BUILD from the deployed menu.

With that you have the dynamic but you still do not have the static library. You'll have to enter kdl-1.0.2\src\CMakeLists.txt, change SHARED to STATIC in line 7. Repeat the process of the last paragraph.