TEO Diagrams

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Joint Indexes

Joint Indexes (CAN bus) Joint Indexes (YARP ports)
Joints (can).png Joints (yarp).png

Joint Directions of Rotation

Joint Directions of Rotation

DH Coordinate Systems and Parameter Table

Content moved to https://github.com/roboticslab-uc3m/teo-software-manual/blob/master/appendix/a-teo-diagrams.md

Link Lengths

Link Lengths
Lengths.png TEO by links.JPG
lengths distance [mm]
l0 193.2
l1 305
l2 162.5
l3 59.742
l4 37.508
l5 346.92
l6 329.01
l7 202
l8 187.496 Con F/T, a 2 cm debajo chapa final mano.
l9 92
l10 330
l11 300
l12 123.005
l13 146
l14 18
l15 26
l16 17.5



F-T sensors

F-T sensors

JR3 wrists drawings

F-T sensors
File:Jr3 50M31 corregido.pdf

Sources for Develop

Migrating to: https://github.com/roboticslab-uc3m/teo-software-manual