Blender and Openrave

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Revision as of 12:22, 18 March 2010 by Jgvictores (talk | contribs)
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STL is the preffered format to be saved in Blender before exporting to Openrave (IV).

Steps for exporting piece to Openrave from Blender (standard view):

  • Import the STL. May have to roll the mouse wheel (zoom in/out) to get object in sight.
  • Press TAB to pass from OBJECT to EDIT mode.
  • Press CTRL+TAB and go into the FACES option (also be done by the plain triangle button, middle_down-right).
  • Select -> Triangles (also can be done through CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+3).
  • Unmark "Double Sided" from "Mesh" (down).
  • From "Mesh" (middle) -> "Normals" -> "Recalculate Outside" (can all be done by CRTL+n).
  • These normals can be seen from "Mesh Tools More" "Draw Normals" button.
  • TAB to return to OBJECT mode.
  • Ready to export to STL (to backup your work on an editable format) and IV (for Openrave). Yay!