From Asibot & HOAP3 & TEO Wiki
Revision as of 15:13, 20 January 2015 by Scasa (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the TEO Wiki. Links to other robot projects can be found in the Main Page.

  • Main PC documentation (doxygen): teo-main
  • Body PCs documentation (doxygen): teo-body
  • Head PC documentation (doxygen): teo-head

  • To Do (electronics):
    • Solder capacitors (left hand, right force).
  • To Do (mechanics):
    • Change elbow motor.
    • Head pan.
    • Force sensor cables.
    • Foam on arms for PbD.
  • To Do (software/teo-main):
    • TEO model in simulator with all joints.
    • Kinematics configuration files for all joints for KdlController (diagrams).
    • Full dynamics (dynamics). Unlocks gravity compensation and force control once we have current control.
    • Speech recognition.
    • (needed?) Small QR detector module.
    • (needed?) Paint TEO model in simulator white.
  • To Do (software/teo-body):
    • Test modularized and abstracted motoripos and motorlacquey parts on BodyBot.
    • Make fail recovery program for iPOS using BodyBot (will have to modify BodyBot and motoripos).
    • Fix units of motoripos velocity control.
    • Fix units of motoripos current control.
    • (needed?) Modularize and abstract HicaCan on BodyBot.
  • To Do (software/teo-head):
    • vision: cylinder 3d position+orientation and color detector. Can be based on captureToolXyz and cylinderSegmentation, but cylinderSegmentation never gets the main (only) cylinder.
  • To Do (software/PIC):
    • reading SPI for CUI absolute encoders (Juanmi).
    • reading 485 for JR3 force sensors.
  • To Do (software/general):
    • Define behavior (check this out).
    • Create and upload more backup images (backups).
    • Move to github? Better issues tracker. Trello? But don't want more tools and accounts...
    • Tests and mockup objects.
    • Continuous Integration framework.
  • TEO Accomplished Tasks