From Asibot & HOAP3 & TEO Wiki
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Welcome to the TEO Wiki. Links to other robot projects can be found in the Main Page.

Everyday Log

Links of General Interest


All part of the roboticslab-uc3m organization at GitHub

To Do

This list should also include long-shot ideas, and applies for: this server, this wiki, TEO (the actual robot), and TEOrepo. For teo-main, teo-body and teo-head, please use the previously provided links.

  • [General]
    • Fork deps.
    • Unify robot model:
      • Mass/Inertia XLS (official based on mechanical schematics): [1] and PDF [2].
      • Kinematics(DH)+Mass/Inertia used by KdlSolver: [3].
      • OpenRAVE 3D and Kinematics used by teoSim: [4].
      • Gazebo 3D and Kinematics+Mass/Inertia used by [5]: [6]
  • [Server]:
    • Fix RH2repo, Fix TEOrepo, wiki cron, reserve excel.
  • [Wiki] Diagrams:
    • Camera X axis offset.
    • Masses.
  • [TEO] Hardware:
    • Rebuild electronics of the legs (Fix legs DC/DC)
    • Fixing power source cabling problems
    • Battery management system
    • [left hand circuit] Solder capacitor.
    • [right force circuit] Solder capacitor.
    • Force sensor cables.
    • [idea] Foam on arms for PbD.
  • [TEOrepo] PIC firmware:
    • Read 485 for JR3 force sensors.
  • Accomplished Tasks
