Server Info

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Revision as of 12:05, 1 February 2010 by Jgvictores (talk | contribs)
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The server is composed by 4 1T hard drives, all using "ext3" file systems. It is configured with the following setup, where sizes are purely indicative.

  • 1T -> 2 partitions:
    • "/dev/md0" (56G) mounted as "/"
    • "/dev/md1" (859G) mounted as "/home"

  • 1T -> 2 partitions:
    • 56G in RAID 1 with "/dev/md0"
    • 859G in RAID 1 with "/dev/md1"

  • 1T -> "/dev/sdc1", mounted as "/backup", generally unused.

  • 1T -> Pure replacement unit, empty.