Talk:Drv rave Windows Install
Info that would be good if Openrave's Boost 1.39 for Windows were not a bit hacked for it to compile OpenRAVE:
Then install Boost 1.39 (BOOST is needed for OpenRave). Click on the following link: and save the file to a given folder. Extract its contents. Open a command prompt and go to this directory. Run bootstrap.bat. Run bjam release. Run bjam install.
Erase "openrave\inc\boost" and "openrave\lib\boost*". Copy "C:\Boost\include\boost-1_39\boost" to "openrave\inc" and "C:\Boost\lib" contents to "openrave\lib\win32".
Add the line #define COIN_NOT_DLL after line 27 in "openrave\inc\Inventor\C\basic.h".
If w/VS 6.0, cmake will not have to be run manually as it is run from the batch file.