KDL R31772 Windows Install
Note: Depends on Eigen.
To install KDL R31772, right-click in your folder and click on SVN checkout. Paste http://svn.mech.kuleuven.be/repos/orocos/trunk/kdl in the first form slot (URL of repository). The second slot (checkout directory) should look something like: E:\robotsuc3mes\openrave. Change the Head Revision option to Revision and specify (type) the number 31772. Click on OK.
In "kdl/config" you'll find a file called "FindEigen2.cmake". Edit its contents for it to point to the installed Eigen2 directory, normally from /usr/include /usr/include/eigen2 to "C:/Archivos de programa/Eigen/include" "C:/Archivos de programa/Eigen/include/eigen2" or "C:/Program Files/Eigen/include" "C:/Program Files/Eigen/include/eigen2". Copy it to the CMake Modules directory (something like C:\Archivos de programa\CMake 2.6\share\cmake-2.6\Modules).
Return to the KDL directory. Create a folder called build. Open CMake. Use the KDL folder full path in the first form slot (such as C:\robotsuc3mes\kdl), and build full path in the second slot (such as C:\robotsuc3mes\kdl\build). Press Configure, Finish once selected VS2008, Configure again, then Generate once. Close CMake and browse to build, open
".sln" and open it (it is a MS Visual Studio 2009 solution file). Change build type from Debug to Release. Press Build --> Build Solution. Right-click on INSTALL from the Solution Explorer of the left, and click on BUILD from the deployed menu.