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=== Warning: still INCOMPLETE!!! ===
=== Warning: still INCOMPLETE!!! ===
The following is a guide for compilation of [[Asibot_-_Implemented_Modules#cmc_recursive_.28Ubuntu_.2F_Windows.29|'''cmc_recursive''']]
The following is a guide for compilation of [[Asibot_-_Implemented_Modules#cmc_recursive_.28Ubuntu_.2F_Windows.29|'''cmc_recursive''']]

Revision as of 15:36, 11 June 2010

Warning: still INCOMPLETE!!!

The following is a guide for compilation of cmc_recursive

First install some basic utilities:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake cmake-curses-gui subversion

Then install ACE (ACE is needed for YARP).

Then install YARP 2.2.6 (YARP is needed for jmc_rave).

Then Eigen2 -> http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page

Then KDL -> http://www.orocos.org/kdl/subversion